3x Vienna Chair 1890-1915
Ostensibly the No.14 designed by Thonet in 1859 but this set of three are from an unknown manufacturer. The patent ran out for the No.14 in 1880 and other firms were quick to copy and list it in their own catalogues carrying over the same name of Vienna Chair. Mostly likely also from the Habsburg Empire, manufactured between 1890 and 1910 due to them coming to us as part of a set ( part of which manufactured by Thonet ) from the same establishment ( P.V.C. ). Very few differneces set them apart only the hardware and the lack of Gebruder Thonet Label and stamp, otherwise they share the same design and charm of the first No.14’s from Thonet.
Solid Beech and Cane Work
80 x 65 x 60 cm